Monday, January 7

PACE Building, Greenwich and Big Piney

It was while I was working for Tomorrow’s American News at The Pace Building in Los Angeles, that I first met Glennie. Little did I know that I would get closer to her family a few years later.  
It was 1968 and I left Cast B before Christmas ’67 to spend some time at Bear Creek Ranch to gain my health back from all that hard work with the cast (I’m not joking, it was hard!). Well my cast left me to go to Norway, so when I gained my strength back I was offered a job working for the twice monthly UWP newspaper that Mead Twitchell and Australian Mike Brown headed up.
I soon made friends with Diarmid Campbell, a jolly fellow from Scotland who was in charge of PACEfilm Productions. Diarmid asked if I wanted to take a drive with him and his wife, Tina, up to Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks. Tina’s younger sister Glennie, was also going to tag along. I am afraid I was not very good company because I was pretty involved with my new battery operated Sony stereo cassette tape recorder and a couple of educational tapes I took along. I never once called her Glenn, it was always Glennie to me.

Tina Close Campbell 2nd from left with friends at Pace Building

I lived at the PACE building while working for Tomorrow's American News and later when Diarmid arranged for me to join him to film UWP casts in Mexico, Italy and the Boy Scout Jamboree in northern Idaho. On the way to the Boy Scout Jamboree where we filmed a small film “Frontiers of Tomorrow”, Diarmid and I listened to the moon landing in the car. Later In ’69 I joined the Colwell Strike Force for a few weeks in Washington DC and Florida where we raised funds for UWP before I joined the cast in Canada who were on their way to Italy.
I also participated in several local Sing Out projects and UWP shows in the Greater Los Angeles area. I continued to live in the PACE building after operations shut down in 1970.
Two other fellows and I lived there for several weeks providing a level of security for the building and many of its valuable contents. The tapestries, furniture, and hidden treasures were displayed and eventually sold or auctioned off. I could afford only a few small pre-Columbian artifacts and a wooden carving of an elephant that I think was a gift to Peter Howard. It has always been on display in my home, and right now it is on a top shelf in front of my desk. There is a description typed on a piece of paper glued to the bottom of a foot of the elephant that says, “From the Tolon Na on behalf of the Ghana Delegation, representing Government and Opposition, 1957”.
Peter Howard's and my elephant from the PACE Building
In late 1970 I left Los Angeles and UWP to go on a mission for the LDS Church for two years then home for a couple years of college, when I got a call from Diarmid asking if I wanted to help him film 9 casts of UWP during the 1976 Bicentennial celebrations throughout the United States. He told me we were going to film Superbowl X Halftime, Indian Reservations, UWP shows throughout the country, Indy 500, UWP behind the Iron Curtain in Poland and a jillion other things. He said they were going to pay me this time around. I liked that; travel the world and getting paid for it. I met him a few weeks later atop one of the World Trade Center Towers in late 1975 where we discussed more details.

We went to Greenwich Connecticut, a short drive north and I was given a room in the huge home of the Close family that was located a short drive from downtown Greenwich. I was going to be coming and going for the next year and a half so I had the same room each visit. The Close family had a spare bedroom downstairs that we turned into a film editing lab with 2 Moviola film editing machines and a bunch of temporary shelves and tables. 
Moviola 16mm film editing machine. We had 2 of 'em
We ate meals together but Glennie wasn’t around very much as she worked in the city (NYC) and had a small loft apartment that Diarmid and I helped her move into. Ever since then I have loved her distinct laugh whenever I see her in a movie, or when I hear any audio she has recorded, or during an interview. I will smile and quietly say to myself, “Yup, that’s Glennie”.  I believe some time during this period she was in the play “The King and I” on Broadway. I didn’t ever see Glennie perform but I was asked by her maternal grandmother to accompany her (grandmother) to a Broadway play and dinner. In the city I was expected to wear a suit and tie, at the very least a tie, so I bought one. I felt rather sophisticated during that evening.
Glennie’s brother and his wife lived in the same house in Greenwich as well. I don’t remember seeing him much as I was coming and going a lot during the Bicentennial year but one time he was there I can’t erase from my memory. He must have had some bad feelings towards the organization I loved. He made a temporary sign out of white butcher paper that he taped on our white Up with People film van covering the red letters “Up” with large red letters matching the size and style lettering on the paper with the word “F—k”, so it read “F—K with People”. He showed it to me on the van and he thought it was pretty clever. I didn’t.
Loading film gear at Big Piney Ranch 1976

Dr. Close (Bill) and his wife were not in Greenwich when I was there. I am sure they were staying on the ranch deep in the wilderness, situated near Big Piney and the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming.
During the summer we made our film editing headquarters in a guest log cabin on that ranch. I stayed in another log cabin. It was something, I mean paradise on earth! 40 miles on a dirt road in the middle of thousands of acres of National Forest where wildlife was abundant and the views were spectacular in every direction. Diarmid’s family was staying there for the summer so naturally when we were in between filming assignments; we went ‘home’ to Big Piney. Diarmid and Tina had a daughter, Shona, who was a cute 7 year old that was a handful and a half that definitely had a mind of her own. I can remember her younger brother, Kier, running around absolutely enjoying the wilds of Wyoming.
There were a lot of experiences that we had on the Close’s Ranch, but a few stand out; Dr. Bill had horses so one day, He, Diarmid and I each took a horse in the back country. It was great seeing Eagles soaring and Beaver dams on a creek and for a few hours feeling a little of what the cowboys of yesteryear must have felt.
Another time the family and I went high on a bald hill overlooking an enormous Wyoming vista for a Sunday picnic. I couldn’t understand why no trees, bushes, dirt or sand was on top of the high mound. I soon found the answer to this wilderness puzzle. The view was terrific but it was constantly windy up there, not the best location for a spread out picnic.
All of a sudden ‘Big D’ (sometimes I called Diarmid that) got to his feet, grabbed his jacket and ran over to a spot where I could see absolutely nothing but the small flat ground plants wiggling. He threw his jacket with a mighty toss high into the air. A toss that Terry Bradshaw (from Superbowl X we filmed that year) would have been proud. Mystically the jacket went soaring another hundred feet in the air. What a throw! Well, in truth, it was a powerful invisible dust devil with no dust.
I jumped up, watched where the small plants were violently wiggling and jumped in to the fray. Wow, what a feeling, not unlike the feeling of a mighty wave catching you while body surfing. I felt lighter somehow and wanted the twister to stick around a while longer because it was an ethereal feeling even as I was getting pelted by small pebbles. It didn’t last long, but I instantly knew why no sand or dirt was up there. 
On my day off I usually helped build a fence through a large stand of trees near the compound so if the horses got loose, they would stay in the area. I sought out a young long straight tree in a dense area where thinning would be good for the other trees. Pausing for a few moments to give thanks for giving its life, I chopped it down with an axe, trimmed the branches and picked out a tree that I could nail it to that would act as a post. The fence zig-zagged through the hidden stand of trees, but it did the job.
Once, while resting on a log I heard a rustle near me that was coming closer. A large, I mean LARGE, female moose only 8 or 10 feet away saw me at the same moment I saw her. I must have been down wind.  I didn’t move, I don’t think I took a breath. She somehow knew I was no threat and slowly lumbered past me on a path that was undetectable to me.   
Another time, (sorry, I love these stories) we all were sitting on the large back porch enjoying the sunset and calm evening after dinner. The deck overlooked a large meadow several acres in size that was on the hill below the main ranch house. The meadow was bordered with an 8 foot high chain link fence and two young elk were slowly walking across the clearing. Bill said, “Watch this” as the elk casually approached the high fence. When they got right up to the fence the teenage male leaned back on his haunches and easily jumped over the fence in a single bound! No backing up and getting a run at it, just clearing it with one graceful lunge. Then the she-elk did the same thing. Ya, I was impressed!
Glennie’s mother was a sweetheart, firm but gracious. She reminded me of my mother who I didn’t see much during my years away from home. But her father, Bill? That’s a story with a different cover. Ya, he was a little like my Pop, but a lot more bad-ass. You didn’t want to ever cross him, and I made sure I never did. Every evening he listened to his shortwave radio in the ranch house and he was not to be disturbed while he was paying heed to the world news on BBC.
I did not know what type of man Mobutu was in the Congo, only that Dr. Close was his private physician. I did enjoy some of the stories of his creating a hospital ship going up the mighty Congo River to assist the indigenous people in distant reaches that had no access to a hospital. But one event that occurred between me and Bill I did not enjoy! No, not at all. He took me aside for a private conversation once and said some things I felt he had no call to say, and he said it in a very threatening manner. He is not alive to defend himself so I won’t divulge the conversation.
I had heard that Bill and his wife were in MRA for some period of time. I did not hear of any specific experiences or family gossip about this time in their lives. After my limited association with the Close family, and my unfortunate run-in with Glennie’s father, I have wondered many times since then, just how much of Glennie’s negativity towards UWP could have been caused, or greatly attributed to, by her father?
NOTE January 6, 2019: By the way, in light of a recent radio broadcast where Glennie spoke in a negative manner about her experience with Up with People, she never once in my presence spoke negatively of the company I happily worked for. She was always very friendly to me though I was not around her very much. Until this evening when Glenn Close spoke about her mother and father on the Golden Globe Awards, I was hesitant to publish this article. I feel a small portion of it may be of interest to some.