Monday, December 17

When I passed through the Iron Curtain with Up with People

During America’s 200th birthday I had the opportunity to visit behind the “iron curtain” to film a documentary of a traveling cast of Up with People. I had filmed several casts during 1969-70 era a few years before and was asked to come back for a year of filming 9 casts that were formed especially for the nation’s 1976 Bicentennial. Each of the larger casts; A, B and C had three fully functioning casts, each with their own schedule. Sometimes the 3 smaller casts would meet for a grand performance in a larger venue. In my mind, the mere mechanics of 9 independent casts roaming the world at one time, without cell phones or the internet, was a huge feat worthy of praise. (NOTE: Thank you Mr. Belk and crew)  
We travelled by train from Vienna, Austria through Czechoslovakia, to Poland. The film producer was Diarmid Campbell, our sound man was Steve Rokowski and I was the cameraman. Before joining the film crew Steve was also largely responsible for outfitting the 9 casts. Our crew travelled with the cast on the train in small crowded sleeper rooms with 3 bunk beds on each side with very little room to move or turn around between the 6 cramped bunks. It was uncomfortable sitting on the beds because you could not sit up straight, as the bunks were so close together and all of our luggage and much of our personal equipment, like guitars, were taking up space. Each train car was locked so visiting other travelers or cast members on the train was not allowed.
We stopped at the border checkpoint leaving Austria to enter Czechoslovakia during night. The night air was still and clear. We waited about an hour before we were allowed to pass through the “Iron Curtain” into the communist country. Ahead of us I could see two very high fences where a wide swath of dark green trees were missing and short cut yellow-green grass planted between the chain link fences that stood about 50 feet apart. I guessed each of the fences to be 20 feet tall topped with loads of barbed wire. The fenced area was well lit, contrasting with the dark forest on either side. Guard dogs and rifle carrying uniformed sentries were plentiful.
We watched as the largest padlock I have ever seen was unlocked from the 2 weighty doors of the small station to let a few passengers on the train. They were let on one train car that was immediately locked after they entered. We were told not to be seen writing anything or taking pictures of public buildings, trains and highway intersections or you would be arrested. Of course I wrote down some of my thoughts, and hey, I was a cameraman.
Soon several armed guards entered our train car with gruff looking faces, wearing brown woolen uniforms. One unfriendly looking guard, with a rifle slung on his back, pointed to the guitar on the floor partially under the bunk and made a demand with one word; “SING”. One of the gals nervously opened the guitar case and started strumming and singing a song from the show. A slight smile formed and this sentry was satisfied that these were legit performers entering his communist country.
Soon the train quietly crept past the fences that were now more visible. Little did those armed guards know that this costly fence structure that zigzagged across their entire southern border, protecting their country from undesirables, would be torn down a decade or so later. The enormous cost of the iron curtain both financially, and the millions of hours of human effort, were for naught. They also could not have known that the only thing that told travelers in 2018 that they were entering the Czech Republic today were small inconspicuous signs.  
Up with People was the first ‘western’ singing group allowed in Poland in several decades, and I believe that we were one of the influential elements that helped spark the fire in many people to “tear down that wall”.  I believe that we had more to do with that wall coming down than historians will ever admit, but that’s another story.
Michael Little